Epigenisis, epic genetics,
Epic Genesis, new beginnings
New generation,
New skin, suit UP,
new skinsuit technology
Rebirthed from beneath,
the underskirts, the underbelly,
snake shed, SHED the old
Slither-IN, slitheren😂
shed light on what is RIGHT
underneath, New sheath,
shed the old layers
Gold dust rebirth, radioactive decay
To live a new day, in anu day
144 thousand petals aglow,
a GOLD, a GUILD is forming
Purple Heart, purple rain,
a new REIGN from above,
Head to toes,
RAD-IO rad- IO, EO,
ELO- electric light orchestrated
from above AS below
And so ON and SW on, SEW on,
Epigenetic epic genesis,
In ALL directIONS
The beginning and the end
shifting from within
This is the new era, ergo dynamic
land of the milk and honey
Humming, hum,
so hum so HUman and BE-yond
Beyond the great yawn
outstretched through and frOM
The great VOID
Bee-yawned- stretch beyond Yahweh
the Way IS the spin,
The spindle, the pinecone opens
the spine-allcountdown-
The needle knows, true North
Compass ROSE, comPASSION
Heart to CROWN
ground control to major tom- T- ohm
TOM- tonal to nequal, negantropy,
Atrophy to fluid momentum
no trophy needed,
Other than the Trail of the HEART,
the holy GRAIL,
Purple IS the BLEND, The MERGE
The divine Shakti,
shock T- the cross roads,
merging, singing humming in the HU-man, from, form
in formation, singing, marching
forward, through the spring
Equal KNOCKS, open the door,
the woodpecker sings,
Rhythm nation and blues,
Reds ad hues unite, ultra violet light,
shining through the PRISM of the HEART,
Prymus, pyramid, in the midst
of ELECTRIC quantum data,
prismatic effects, effectively
shaking off the loose skin
The old cells
The old falls away and we all fall DOwn, the ring rings true
the rabbit WHOLE of ears to ear to ear
Circulation, the strange loop
of united hues,
rainbow serpent rebirthed,
Serpentine quara
In TIME, quota-an-team, core-ant- team
Prime, primes, prime Creator
sourcing UP the energy
E=MC squared triangulation-
tri undulation,
TRY elation, see the signs, feel the songline,
long wave signs,
Sine wave, spinal high-way
Move UP as it moveTHROUGH
the grid speak, godspeak, the VOICE
The the Word was ONE, MERge
Core undulation, core undone— corundum, core inner drum,
Hear the INNER ear drum, rythmn
Ears to hear, H-EAR-T beat
Let it all out, light it all out, fallout
We are the nuclear reactors, the RE-actors, Ray- ACT ors,
The stabilizers BOOM,
Ray-act-taurus, torus
Nuclear ray-act torus,
TRUST the new clear
(do RE me so fa le T do)
Door in me, Towards, us
riding the bull, bull writing, bull riding-
As I grab the bull by the horns
The bull horn, through the horn- inner ear, listen
The cornucopia Cup- IA
CORN, the cup that runner th, run with the bulls, the bull run
Crimson and clover
We are the clover, the silver seeds, let us spin
For we enter a new phase of the rays
A nuclear spectrum of spoken digestion POW
Spoke KIN, DI-gestation, let the jester speak,
the clown, Heyoka
A deeper path down the mountains leads up
Fire in the mountain
I have had many references in this to the great Pyramid
SPokane Washington, lilac city-
Riding the waves of the atrology Taurus and the torus