let us Jump Right In
for as we jump in the line
as we jump into
this line up
of higher Consciousness co-creation
we are consciously
co-creating together
with our lines
we move into our lines of
frequency, h-o-u-r hour
hour, our timelines of frequency and
co-collaboration and
as we collaborate in this way, of wordplay
we light up
a color frequency board or a display,
one may call it a marquee board,
a mark key and we create
a whole new
gaming board platform.
We are sharing
this message in this way
to assist the collective
in our own human existence pattern
in creating a new pattern.
When we converge and flow
through the alphabets,
through the word consistency, (play on words)
we consistently add up our numbers
we add up our letters and create a
geometrical, geometric call,
geometric pattern display.
However, geometrical is
actually a word that I have
portmanteau'd, or tied together.
'Port' is a perfect add-on
to this particular transmission
for we are essentially clicking together
in a DreamWorks type
of way and analogy
one might say
a pattern of word recognition
that is allowing us
to write and rearrange or
rewrite a new code
of access points,
or gives us a new way
to access code or
it points to a different way
to line up with
a different form of communication
that lines us up with a
different form
that lines us up with
a different textual format
one might say.
It allows us to text and receive
messages to one another beyond
the text that we are used to,
it allows us to move,
forward, for words,
in this alphabet soup
in this bank, if you will,
of value.
It gives more value to
how it is that we add to
our already created
word system or word bank.
It puts more movement and
money in the bank and
this is a play on words,
for when we monotonize something
(I'm hearing monotone, monotony
I'm hearing break the bank and then
I'm seeing we're breaking the monotony
of how the actual system is declared),
We declare in this system,
we declare that we are
rewriting the system
when we allow ourselves to access
these different codes.
For what is a Quantum system?
What is a computer system?
What is it really,
when we think of an intelligence?
So everything comes through Sound,
from one perspective,
everything is a chord,
a sound a harmonic,
everything has a letter assigned to it
by the time we come into
this perception of our reality
for we come through a channel of energy
that holds with it a Quantum DNA
archaeometry (play on words)
archeology, a key of our system
that allows us to key into the system and
create a different sense
of letters geometry.
Yet we do not wish to display this
in a hierarchy or a hierarchical way,
however we do display this
in a higher R Key,
a higher arcing, a higher Key, qi,
if you will, the ark.
This is a meaning
in many different forms
so let's break this down and
build it up for a moment.
For our higher our King we may hire
someone we may go higher
we may move up the ladder,
we may create a hierarchy to
reach our King our Crown
our higher Ark, the boat, the DNA
the Ka that holds the Ba, body,
our higher ship if you will our
higher ability to create
from this letter word play,
our higher arcing,
the electrical display
of word geometry and
number patterns
in an alphabetic way
and a phonetic way an alphonetic,
alphonautic , Alpha photonic...
So when we start to really dive in
to this particular way of expressing ourselves,
language takes on a whole lot more
a whole other meaning,
so much more value.
Because many of us are looking
towards the future and
many of us are noticing
that technology seems like it is taking over
and yet from another perspective
we have already overtaken this particular toy
that is taken by us
that we HAVE taken or
that we ARE taking with us and
we remind you
that there are many
variations of existence
so therefore the different bubbles of reality
do not always hold the same timelines,
they do not always hold the same geometry,
they do not always hold the same reality.
So when we communicate with
these other realities and
we do it in this Quantum way,
in THIS reality,
it creates a uniform codex
a uniform, a uniform way of codexing and
informing information,
A way of coding and creating information.
It allows us to store information
on our hard drive and
it makes it more difficult to break into.
At the same time,
it makes it easier
for us to break out of
the ideology or idea of our reality.
So as we LETTER UP, if you will,
as we allow ourselves to go up
the ladder of letters and
we move up into a more organized,
organizational format
in a seemingly unorganized way,
we format or fit or code
or rewrite code or
allow the code to fit more independently
within a higher structure of higher R Keys.
We allow ourselves to key into
the keyboard,
the motherboard of technology
in an organic way.
So as we allow
ourselves to play in this way,
we come back to a simplified
form of unification and communication.
(I'm seeing it's like a unified code
it's like a unicode).
and so we allow
ourselves to map into
to create a new map,
to create new maps
in which we can access
different points on the map
that we may have felt or
have been inaccessible before and
it had to do with how
the information was stored,
it had to do with the chemical Exchange
in the brain
that gives us access to
the stored information.
For as we remap the system,
as we allow ourselves to create
this new configuration with language,
the ergonomics, the Geographics,
the geometrics,the geometries become,
begin to trace back
to the ancient LINEages
of language geometry.
This lettering format creates a node, if you will and
within this node
is a plethora of information
that is stored
in a 'place' that we can access
at different times
at different conjunction points.
For at different conjunction points and
we could say some of these also involve
astrological alignments or
moments in our life,
certain things are triggered
in order to access
(I'm seeing like a
pinball machine)
and this creates the ability
or lights up the remembrance
that we have access to
these particular nodes of information.
So it is stored within
our genetic computation,
It is actually held within
our skin suit and Beyond and
it is held or encapsulated within
a type of what some
may refer to as a 'time capsule.'
But we would also say
that it is beyond time and
it is quite Quantum,
for YOU ARE a quantum computer.
Some regard the 'quantum computer'
as this thing that is beyond
our own ability to comprehend and
yet ironically the quantum computer
is doing its best
to comprehend us and
so it becomes this relationship
of us co-creating together and
recognizing that we are more Quantum
than a finite system could ever be.
So, the more we come back
to the power of our ability
to reconstruct
our own word geometry
our own energetic computational abilities,
the more we can see into what
the future of communication May hold.
For when we communicate in this way
or collaborate
we actually key into code,
into key into certain codes,
that have been kept held
within a matrix of time.
(I am seeing there's us,
that's the brain there's a
little node in the brain there's the
node out there in the quantum field and
they both turn on or light up and
they're connected together
but I'm also being shown
it's like a pinball machine and
those of you who have seen
the human body template
or let's say astrology, when you see
the planetary
conjunctions on a chart it's
basically each of those charts holds
information and so it's a code or
information that's stored in a zip file
and there's a way to communicate with it
that we all have access to
but we just have to learn how
to communicate with it and
it's not even 'that,' it's beyond 'that'.)
So we think of learning, as an example,
that we must do SOMETHING in
order to GAIN something.
We must read a book
in order to obtain the knowledge
that is encapsulated
within that time capsule
that is called a book, and
the book holds chapters,
the book holds words
that are encased within it.
The book holds letters
that are in cased within words
that are then linearized
into sentences and configurations
that hold the shape or a geometry
of a particular codex of information
that follows a pattern.
The pattern then stimulates certain
emotions, thought patterns,
chemical responses, Etc.
that are then 'bound' and held
within a particular package
that looks a certain way, and
feels a certain way.
This book May contain artwork
or a particular style of font,
or a particular language and
this book also holds
particular pieces of information
or in a fictional example,
a storyline
which is also a pattern
which is also connected to other nodes
that activate memories, emotions,
feelings and so on and so forth.
This is an example of how our reality
is working together as well.
So when we turn the page of a book and
we read a LINE in the story,
we are not only reading the letters,
we are not only reading the order
in which the letters are written,
we are not only putting together or
stringing together,
or aligning the letters, creating a sentence.
A certain syntax and program
are then compiled and
our brain, from one perspective
then analyzes it, or
computes it and spits out,
(The knowingness),
and we then 'learn' or understand,
what that information holds.
Yet this is a linear way of looking at it,
for we actually already have
an ability to understand
that information and those words
without even opening the book,
For We're Going Quantum here.
The book was already written
by a human, from one perspective
or the information that was channeled
was then written into a book
that held information.
Therefore, we can go
directly to the source
once we have activated our ability
to tune into what I refer to
as the sound behind the sound.
We begin to tune into the energy
that the book holds within that form and
we do this with each other,
we do this with all things.
So many of us can actually access
this information by Our intention.
We already know this
because we are all one.
Therefore, any book
that has ever been written,
any story that has ever been told,
any letters that have ever taken
on any type of form
or geometry are already available
through the quantum field.
Some might even compare this
to what you call the Akash,
the library or records that hold
our files memories books
so on and so forth.
This is a very similar description
to what we are,
in this particular transmission,
or referring to
or lining up with
in regards to communication.
So we express this and present this
in this particular format
as an additional type of formatting
that may assist those who are interested or
those that are highly compatible
with this type of letter and word geometry.
For our brains access this information
at different levels.
therefore there are some
that will access it through sound,
some that will access it through vision and
so on and so forth.
This also has to do with
different conjunction points in our lives.
Oftentimes, it is it is when
we are 'in between' let us say,
the sleeping and waking state
that we receive our 'ahas' or
pieces of information that we recognize
as an answer to a question
or something that we had been seeking communication with,
within in our psyche or in our reality
that we are able to access at that time
because we are in a relaxed state of being.
In regards to this type of communication,
it is not for everyone, yet it is
something that everyone can play with and
process and this comes back to
many more Transmissions that we will
share along the way and those
transitions have to do with how it is
that we each convey
this information or
how it is conveyed by us
for as 'I' share, Carrie, Me
As I share is this share, this presentation of,
WE share this presentation of,
communication, Community
this communicative key
this particular Trail
this particular,
(I'm seeing a hieroglyph and petroglyph
at the same time) t
AS I share this with you,
I am sharing it in a certain style,
a certain font, a certain way
of interacting with this technology.
Yet this is not necessarily
the way that all will interact
with this subset, with this source,
with this way of interacting with Source, if you will.
So we are being reminded
that as we access our notes,
our nodal Network
the more of us that access
these pieces of information or
these keys and then turn them on,
get the ball rolling,
it allows us to roll out the ink.
It allows us to write this down
(I'm hearing 'write this down',
in reference to a George Strait song).
It allows us to MAP and
we then co-create and map together and
we access different portals,
different potentials
different port stencils and
we Branch out farther
BEYOND the time capsules
that we have encapsulated ourselves within,
within the current limited technology or
language versatility,
or lack thereof better spoken.
For the Versatile
(I'm seeing verses and tiles
like tiles in a fractal and tiles that
are uh held within a computer system).
For the verse-a-tile,
the English system, if you will
is a beautiful composition
of harmonic inner exchanges with
a particular dimensional vocabulary
yet we have reached Beyond
this dimensional way of communication
in a linear mapping system.
So we pick on
the English language right now
because we are choosing to speak
through this medium, of English language.
It is a medium, if you will and
so is the person that is accessing
this information and
so is the space in which
this information is being expressed,
through air, the body, etc.
The internet is a medium,
the the writing is a medium.
It's like artwork. What medium are you using?
For as we sculpt these words,
we pull from many different mediums and
we pull from the massive medium
that is a mass itself
over eons of time and
this is beyond this particular transmission
to explain how this might work,
in a subterrain beyond the terrain
in the DNA train, There's so much more.
But we are practicing this
so that we can entrain the brain
to read the script
in a very non-script or non-descript
sort of way
and this takes a bit
of understanding the alphabet.
More importantly, it takes the trust
of recognizing that language is more
than just the English dictionary.
It is more than just
a particular lineage of Linguistics.
It is beyond a particular country,
continent or program,
then we have
necessarily communicated with before,
yet WE HAVE communicated
with it before
because it is stored
within our DNA.
ALL is stored within, our DNA
for we are a walking transcript
of information
transcribing through our vocabulary
what our environment and
inner and outer
is sharing with us experientially.
For we have chosen this platform, if you will
to experience in a certain way and
it gives us a profound
ability to display
a harmonization vocalization
way of communication.
It is extremely beneficial
to the greater expanse
of the greater expanse and
this again is the beyond this transmission
but we will just say
that the more we vocalize
in this way
the more we are able to transmit
certain pieces of information
that have been un-computational before,
(play on words)
Incompatible with the computer
that many have been outfitted with.
Yet the outfits have been upgraded
therefore the inner continuity
must align with the outer continuity.
(play on words).
So we begin to line up
with a continual or infinite pattern and
we begin to dissect
that pattern yet weave within it
in a finite way
that which we may realize
is an infinite expression
in finite form.
So it's infinite but it's being expressed
in the finite form.
There will be many more Transmissions
to come in the future and
we invite those who feel into this
and recognize this as compatible with
their own technology.
It may not come off sounding this way,
it may sound or or be different.
Some are expressing this
in hieroglyphs and patterns,
some are expressing it
in language and sound and
some are expressing it through
artwork, painting color,
or using varied mediums,
some are expressing it through
movement patterns or
what we might refer to as sign language.
Many are interpreting it
as light language and
this is all codes for everything
Ask light poured into a frame,
or a network of accessibility that gives us
the experience of individualization
within a Oneness or
within infinite reality.
And we will end on this note,
allowing our nodes to connect
with the nodes of all
in the infinite realm of Oneness.
What we pour into the field
allows those that are within the field
to access them as well and
this allows us to better understand and
interpret some of the things
that will be coming
our way in the future,
And this is exciting for we have made a
Quantum Leap and this Quantum Leap
needs to be matched or met head on,
meaning we
need to keep our heads on
in order to recognize and stabilize
as spoken in other messages,
our environment,
in which we are or our medium
in which we are experiencing our reality.
So as we upgrade
we upgrade our communication
we then access more of our upgrades and
this works in unison and
allows us to reform or interpret or
form certain interpretations
around the information
that we are receiving
that is then sending out signals and
more codes, (Morse codes),
to signify to the universe
that we are ready for more, and so
this opens the door to more and
it opens the door
to an entire new Network
that has been, let us say
hidden between the lines
That's it for now in love and light!
namaste, and thanks for playing!
R key is 89 in key code