We are recognizing that the Earth changes are affecting
this planet and beyond,
for in the landscape,
AKA, the Body of the planet
and of the ‘galactic geometry’-
inner geo-me-tree,
the genome-tree of you, me
Plane T, cross planes,
And of the galactic energies.
There is much that is being
accessed and changed
CHARGED, right now.
The currencies, current C's
that are ZIPping UP, so to speak,
that are zippinPING OUT
that are creating a
comBUSTian-able chamber
on the planet, is allowing
for an operational
influx to occur
in this cellular matrix
that the earth is
intrinsically linked to,
just as you are
linked to the spaciousness
of all that is.
(I am seeing upper,
up-pour rational-
like the pores on the planet-
and a pouring out
And in of energy also-)
There is also an inpouring
of frequencies that are causing
an outpouring of frequencies-
this in-pore-atonal influx
of frequencies is creating
a band- mend-
a mending of the bands.
(Thinking of abandonment)-
I am being invited to expand
back out of conceptualization
of a story that was told,
and then get back into
my own intuition
about the information-
not what I ‘think’ I know.
So as you allow.
Yourself to expand out
and explore the concepts
and ideas of what we are saying,
we are pouring IN
From our own reality
constructs as well-
so we offer a constructive
point of view for you
to put the pieces together and
explain it in such a way-
(x- plane, creating a cross
in consciousness
on a certain plane
and I am combining certain planes of realities
and existences
and x- plane- nations,
to a certain level of understanding).
As you expel certain energies,
(like a geyser erupting and
letting out some type, as I type, LOL,Of sulfuric memories-
soul- furic, soul fire)...
(what is a memory, an earth
memory- mammary? Me- memo, ma, mamma, mammal, held to the breast,
Mothers milk, Earth mother, etc.)
As the earth expels
these frequencies
from Her domatrix,
dome- matrix, domain,
(a dome is a covering or top, and
do is a sound in music, like D major).
It allows these within the Earth
to also expand and expel
and it allows those
that are on the Earth
that exist within her framework
above to expound (play on words),
Expand into a higher
dimensional field,
where the playing
field technology
was limiting the access points
in the congruity
of the Earth mechanizations, mechanics, and so from a higher PERSPECTIVE,
all of the Earth changes,
Changes all of the frequencies
All available is expanding,
expressing- (things come up).
As the burp and birth-
as the earth releases her gases
she it is orgasmic- organism-
(like sergasam grass??)-
it’s organs-mic, cosmic-
organ-as mimic-
there is this release of energy
that builds up
that can’t be held any longer
and we are going to feel
this ripple effect-
Orgasm in the organism,
In the organs, the pipes,
The sound
it can be so powerful
that people are afraid of it,
like a kundalini eruption.
Do not fear-
for all that has been held within
is being brought clear-
To clear the disruption-
earth Bound’ frequencies-
constipated with orgasm.
This allows pleasure
to come through. Relief, release.
She has already birthed
and hasnt’ had an orgasm
since her last birth??
?it is communication-
(pop pop fizzz fizz
oh what a relief it is).
This is also a reflection
of too many people holding on-
and all is packed up and
has not been given freely.
Many people feel
that if they GIVE,
something will be takem from them.
This is not correct,
yet this is correct on some
people's course.
Let us expound upon some of the words
that have created this discourse-
words we may be triggered by:
associated with artificial, robotics
associated with fighting,
like freedom has to be fought for.
This triggers fear
on a subconscious level
(I am seeing f sharp, and ear
I am seeing Vapors released
from the earth
are having a chemical affect
on people in their environments
and this is like pheromones)
It’s like a crossword puzzle-
when you cross one word
with another
they connect energetically
with one another.
So even the word 'birth'
is associated with pain and discomfort,
but what if birth had no pain
attached to it if it was done
in a harmoniously and energetic way?
This is something the Earth
is going through
and it can create discomfort for us because of our attachments
and what we have attached to
the meaning of THINGS.
So we assume that because
there are fires, this means
destruction, and even though
it does, it also is part
of this process to renewal.
We think of earthquakes
as something wrong,
and in fact it is sometimes
created from technology,
but in the grand
scheme of things,
it is also creating space
for growth
(and fire spreads seeds, etc.)