Let us go into another spin,
let us dive into a new quandary
Dive-in to, DIVE-in it, Divinate
Divine innate, divide in eighths
in FIND, 8- in PHI- nate, (innate)
We are quarrying, if you will
Digging up (quadrum)
There are questions
that are coming up
that are surfacing
based on a subset
Of genetic impulses
(pulse, line, line of pulse, IM
that are being introduced
into the brain chemistry
The brain chemistry is creating
a new bandwidth, if you will
It is creating a new heartbeat,
resonance measured, on a chart
(I am seeing this chart and heartbeat
you would see on a monitor,
and it going into space- like a signal).
This new creative speaking,
from one perspective
And we invite you to PLAY
with these words AGAIN
as a Gentle reminder that the way
that you communicate
is part of your gift, our gifts
The way that you allow
yourself to play with
certain TONES and languages
That are coming in
are PART of the MANY ways
in which the universe weaves
You’ve gotten stuck
in the mainframe, if you will
the 'Main Brain'
The logical and analytical
we refer to as the Ana-lock-It all
It puts a lockdown
on the creative aspect
And this barrier that was once
part of the brain encasement
was set up that way
As an entrapment system
to trap into the folds of the brain
Particular particle pieces
of information
that may have activated
a deeper simulation, stimulation,
if you will- stem-Lation
And as you tap into this
you recognize
that the brain is reacting to, too
(I am hearing radioactive,
and I am seeing a nuclear reactor)
The brain is reacting to all
of the harmonics
that are playing a loop if you will
(As I say loop, i am
seeing a crochet loop,
but I am seeing that the new loops
have been introduced and they
are open band loops)
So they loop into, hook in,
to introduce
and induce a particular wave, if you will
But then once they have looped
in and connected,
I am hearing the song
about vanilla ice looping
They leave, they open-
tie in and dock in, dodecahedron
do-docking-head, hadron collider,
hydrating, hydra radiating headspace
creating more space in the brain
Creating from this space,
Heart brain....
And we communicate
in a very broad bandwidth
so that the words that you remember
see feel and connect into
can bring you into any phase if you will,
I am hearing phase lock conjunction
phase conjugation
For example Vanilla Ice
leads me into Vanilla Sky the movie,
and the other Minority Report
and the time loop movie he is in
(and now as I re-read this at a later date,
Top Gun is out in theaters and the
Hadron Collider was just restarted yesterday).
Its a flavor in how you wordplay,
rap, it seems so vanilla,
but in actuality is so much-
so mach
For these futuristic representations
you are speaking of and
how you speak these words
and as you remember
how you tune into
This is going to assist you
moving forward, for words
You forget sometimes
that your looping system
is attached to a certain outcome
expectation and we remind you
that the outcome
is consistently changing
for you are consistently making
Creating, choice patterns
that reflect a changing and
ever eve loving, ever loving ever loving
landscape of flow -echomy
(Moby- everloving is mobius, and
flrefernce to whale, Moby dick)
So these brain patterns
are picking up now on a subtle,
supple frequencies that before
were blocked off, interloper-ed off
And so these receptive tanks,
were in the dark, so to speak
(I am hearing then took a tank dive,
didn’t go anywhere?
Shark tank- I am seeing the electrical
sensory system on a shark)
So the way in which we interact
with the patterns or frequencies or
bandwidths, bandwords
And we use many of these words interchangeably
for we recognize there is a logical variation
in the patterns of those words seen in
The way in which you, we communicate.
You are more likely to open
if you let go of the need to specify
the exact quantification of the pontification
that you are charting.
Charting, charging because it depletes the charge
when you get stuck on a certain subset or
category of the definition
It’s about the Journey not a destination
Just as you try to figure out
(figure eight)
exactly what the words are
that you are speaking when you are
speaking multiple linguistics,
we invite you to feel into what those words are and let go
of the need to differentiate
each word pattern in a certain way
that requires you to slow down your efficiency.
Sometimes these words just need to get out
so they can play place a certain frequency
in your own spin,
in your own bandwidth, bandwagon
in your own recognition
in your own speech patterns,
ignition, recognition,
It helps to activate the brain and
it syncs up the left and right
hemispheres of the brain
and the speech patterns are purposefully said
in such a way
that it helps to syncs them up.
(LIT, display)
And so we sync, we seek
to talk about the brain today
because the Brain patterns that we are
actively interacting with
are new to some.
And this is where versions of telepathy
begin to kick in for some
And this is where the inner work
is so important. The inner work,
the inner workings of the brain
is the key to access the domain,
the dominion in the brain, heart brain
that allows us to fully unlock the codes
and essentially get in the ‘know’ if you will.
It helps us to understand,
is it ours? Hours?
Is it ours or someone else’s and
it helps to activate a charge
so that we can decide whether to charge ahead
charge our head
or to let that particular (particle)
thought construct to move through
the system so it can be integrated or expanded upon.
(I am seeing that there might be
some ideas that we have,
but it might not be anything
we would necessarily
utilize, like a scientist might
utilize a mathematical equation
when it comes through,
but an English professor
would not know what to do
with it, or know what it is.
I am being shown that it helps everybody
utilize or have access to more information
but we are also learning how to pick up the pieces
pick out the pieces, musical peaces
and tune into what is going
to help us individually,
and rather than being stuck
with all of this information,
with no application.
We are then able to filter it better.
(I keep having this reference to whales and krill and
that they filter out certain things when they are feeding
so they don’t ingest the wrong food like
certain nutrients not necessary for their body,
and I am hearing whale speak,
like Dory remembering that she speaks whale-
in the movie, Finding Nemo and we are remembering,
and also HOW they communicate. Play with this)
And so we tune into this architecture
and let go
of the need to clarify all.
So as we clarify certain representations and quandaries,
we allow ourselves to map into this new frequency
And this new frequency of harmonics
Then allows us to INTERLOPE with certain people
who are also picking up on these harmonics
(It’s almost like we ping off each other,
and this is how it is supposed to be)
We are then able to fulfill (krill?)
certain contractual obligations,
if we wish to call them that.
(I am seeing a map, and that we have for a blueprint,
I chose to live here, and 20 other people I contracted with
live here as well, and when we connect,
we ping -drop pins on the map,
and essentially lock down
in the mapPING system,
where we live on the map, and also in our bodies
This helps us to fulfill certain needs, needful things,
both things we need, and experiences
Divine orchestration of the blueprint. )
This has been been put on hold for many.
Yet this is also activating for many-
So we are subtracting from
a certain number of people,
For whatever reason, that have been delayed-
but I am seeing the ones
that do activate this, it will be stronger
so the whole harmonic is louder
and a longer wave-
farther away, longer distance
and more effectively signaling.
(Thinking of my uncle who has passed,
and his graduation based on what my grandma
told me in a meditation- who has also passed,
and then my stepfather telling my sister in Dreamtime
that he is moving on, and I am wondering
if this is all connected because of the timing or
is this separate, and I am hearing both).
For as you access more pictures,
as you access more abilities,
you shift the realities in such a sway
that it has such a ripple effect in the quantum exchange field
That the field can't’ help but respond by moving.(fascia)
And this is part of the resolution
that many contract holders have been waiting for.
(I am laughing because I am seeing the shape of
Dori, the fish in the middle of the street
on the asphalt in a water outline)
Dori could not remember
because she had been traumatized
and she was lonely, and that has been
what has happened too many people,
from one perspective).
Also, One layer of this is that the reality
that we think of and the astral
works in a different way
than what we think.
The trauma that we have accumulated
has created a 'disconnect' in so many ways
But we are fusing together by refusing
to give into the dialogue box, POW,
the dialogue that has kept boxed in,
kept us in entrapment and enslavement.
And the more that we tune into
the INNER dialogue
and not the false voices that many are tuned into,-
What I see is crows- magic,
and i am hearing do you believe in magic
The trauma was on scales,
the trauma at death created a pattern
and a disconnect from their ability
to close out
certain agreements, but that is shifting,
and I am seeing that we are doing work
for our ancestors as well,
if we choose to, agree, in free will, Free Willy
Some may say why have a contract,
if you don’t have to fulfill it?
and I am hearing, WE may make the decision
that it is no longer necessary
for either persons advancement.
And on the flip side, POW, the contracts change,
so we may have updated, flip flop,
floppy disc, bigger decisions.
So, we may still need to meet
a certain person, but that person may no longer need
to be in a relationship.
(I am seeing an example of a relationship
that would have brought the experience
for sovereignty and speaking your truth,
so the relationship may not have been long,
but would still be part of the blueprint,
to resolve karma, and to learn or experience certain ‘things’
for greater soul growth. It would hold certain ‘nuggets’).
We have now had an upgrade,
and now the agreement is made,
we sill need to meet,
and just by you meeting
and interacting, inner acting,
is going to help activate
your DNA and
help you remember
certain things automatically.
Dejavu- what you knew
what you know
and what they know
now (all is new)
are now interacting
Inner reacting, reactivating
on a subconscious level
and chemical level,
and this will activate in
the other person
the knowing within themselves-
you don’t have to go through
all of the time consuming
and pain and suffering.
They may stir up
a thought in you
that helps you
to process self discovery,
and this will all lead
to certain choices.
This expedites the process,
the sequential factor, fascia
that need to line up
in order
to get people there ‘faster’
yet expansively
at the same time.
This then alchemizes
in the chemistry set of the brain
so to speak
that creates a new pattern
that essentially disrupts
the old pattern.
Before you would have felt
the need for a relationship,
but now some will instead
know what the relationship
would have brought forward,
by feeling it or seeing it
reflected immediately.
What i am hearing is
this creates a bond chemically
that then docks in with eachother,
links in with eachother and
helps the patterns to be seen,
felt, understood, recognized now.
And this in itself can help
expedite and fulfill
certain contractual obligations
or feelings or experiences
that one may have agreed to
at a certain level,
and this is an upleveling if you will.
This creates a different feeling
around time as well.
I see this is going to change
the way people will be
interacting with each other,
there will be a deeper reverence
at certain points
For certain interactions.
And so this allows for
certain geometries
to be reconfigured, and
allows for certain upgrades
Through to are energy,
(and i was thinking that they are different
than having an experience.
I am being shown an athlete
practicing in their mind
their physical moves before the race,
they visualize the course for example, and in essence
the body does not know the difference
because it is going through the ‘motions’
and emotions possibly as well.
This takes me into an avatar, and the matrix-)
If your body mind thinks
'it' is having an experience
and is producing the chemicals from that,
then 'it' does not know the difference from one perspective.
It may not be as rich and fulfilling
as actually having gone through the journey,
but in essence we are being shown there are other things
that we have now agreed to.
How we interact and play
with each other is key,
for you could easily
fall back into a habitual pattern
of I me we, me me me
and this is where it comes back
to doing the work.
This is where operating
from knowingness is key,
Operating from a higher potential,
potentiality, reality,
Of experiential freedom.
If we haven’t done the inner work,
we don’t realize that we do have a choice.
Some will meet someone and think they are their twin flame,
but in reality, it is they both hold emotions f
rom unresolved conflicts,
usually from within, and makes a person think
they are supposed to resolve it with
this other individual.
This may have been 'true' at one time,
but not necessarily NOW, and
therefore is not necessary now.
If we feel that we can’t control
our emotions for someone else,
that would be a misunderstanding
of what emotions are.
Emotions are merely a form,
from one perspective,
of a charge. So when
we have an intention
connected with a charge,
it then steers the ship,
relationships, how we relate to others,
and to other's ships;
It allows us to steer the ship in a different direction
And USE our emotions AS a charge
to push us THROUGH the experience and
not push us
INTO the experience and then get Stuck,
in the LOOPS.
This may be seen as a loophole,
for we are creating at a whole new level.
And many are not differentiating
their feelings vs. their emotions
Which are very different, but equally connected.
They are directly connected to
the chemicals in the body and the brain,
How and where we direct...
("if I only had a brain", wizard of Oz Reference).
And many have been emotionally charged
and they have not processed them logically,
("put em' up, put em' up")
(like we are feeling anger, so we want to punch,
we have an emotion, but because we
channeled it through
the logical part of the brain,
we chose not to
punch out of anger,
we can pause and not
take action in reaction).
But many are lost in the loops
again and again
and are recharging the same emotion
energy in motion.
Where attention goes, energy flows
and it does not allow it to be
redistributed it through the system,
And therefore it does not allow us to ping
the proper communication
to the entire network,
as within so without, body and environment pings
Emotions- minuscule - mini school,
part of the whole thing,
a small part of the entire educating system.
If we are ONLY using emotion
we are missing the bigger lesson.
And that is the old operating system and patterns, old school....
to be continued...
also thinking of phasia- which is speech disorder
Deep fascia
Main article: Deep fascia
Deep fascia is a layer of dense fibrous connective tissue which surrounds individual muscles, and also divides groups of muscles into fascial compartments. This fascia has a high density of elastin fiber that determines its extensibility or resilience.[10] Deep fascia was originally considered to be essentially avascular. However, more recent investigations confirmed a rich presence of thin blood vessels.[11] Deep fascia is also richly supplied with sensory receptors.[12] Examples of deep fascia are fascia lata, fascia cruris, brachial fascia, plantar fascia, thoracolumbar fascia and Buck's fascia.
Fasciae were traditionally thought of as passive structures that transmit mechanical tension generated by muscular activities or external forces throughout the body. An important function of muscle fasciae is to reduce friction of muscular force. In doing so, fasciae provide a supportive and movable wrapping for nerves and blood vessels as they pass through and between muscles.[13] Fascial tissues are frequently innervated by sensory nerve endings. These include myelinated as well as unmyelinated nerves. Based on this a proprioceptive, nociceptive as well as interoceptive function of fascia has been postulated.[14] Fascial tissues – particularly those with tendinous or aponeurotic properties – are also able to store and release elastic potential energy.
Clinical significance
Fascia becomes important clinically when it loses stiffness, becomes too stiff or has decreased shearing ability.[15] When inflammatory fasciitis or trauma causes fibrosis and adhesions, fascial tissue fails to differentiate the adjacent structures effectively. T