Let us change the verbiage for a moment and
use a more tactile information center
Let us hone in on this phase of reduction
Let us reduce and deduce
A new set of alchemical codes and
set points
For our division has scattered us
But no more
For we understand that our creation
Is larger than before
It is not open to disintegration
For we have teleported to a new station
A new residency group
A new TRUE induction point
Of resonance and harmonic flow (Capricorn)
Our light comes out in waves, pours
Floods the senses
For We are a higher spectrum
Of the evolutional chain, a variance
(Come what may good sport old chap)
Let us play,
For our bandwidth reunifies at a higher conduction speed
A zippy reduction moment
A grass roots band
A higher impact zone
And within this harmonic leveling up
(Don’t rock the boat baby)
We arrange within this new accessible flow
Float, flame, frequency conduction
And these words are not lost on you
For as you make this sound,
The swishing of your signature
It booms, beams, out a loud recognition
And cuts through the distortion
The methodology may SEEM counter intuitive
But we assuredly assure you, it is not
For your communication board
Is a scrambled channel descrambler,
Decoder at the deeper levels
(Deep space 9)
A flow of intercepted spirals
Within your grapp? Grasp
And as you grasp these concepts
They weave, and wave at you and commingle,
Hello hello, my friend hello (diamond)
For your light cannot be restricted
By counter intuitive intelligence POW
As you allow yourself to play at this lux
Lux-urious level of word science.
Word soup it may seem,
But it holds all of the ingredients
For a deeper enscryption
(Subscription, I got a fever, for more cowbell)
For in the depth of this dive
Are are an abyss of signals and sounds
Click clicking (whales)
A somatic sonar-i-Phic boom
Isolated to this region of space
For within this region of space
Is a clear cut signal (diamond)
Clear cut quartz
That redefines the quantum signal verification
Of codes, an elixir of sorts
An isolated triangulation acute
With certain edges never explored before
We invite you to move out of tunnel vision
(Television) and open yourself to more
For the sound that moves you
Moves through you
Vibration of animation
Allows you to signal back annd reorganize
Adjusts your score
(Your space suit)
Your phonetic time travel
(The dipping dots of reconstruction)
Smooth as silk
For the gossamer threads
And moon beam dreams
Are a movement of one
We invite you to stop, drop a line
Hook in for a moment (fish, write)
And reunify with this other aspect of you
Your source of stream light technolgy
Your stream of ONE
Your signal is heard and we redirect you
To a sharp (c note, a c cord) POW
For within this chamber is an access point region
A halo
A divine ring- (hello my friend hello)
Stay with this prose for just a moment, if you will
Establish this link, ink link
(Oh wont you stay, just a little bit longer)
Will the sleep away just for a minute
For in this exchange is more
A door is being created
An access point, a reduction, a portal
A transmission that allows you to gain (detergent)
Access to something already held deep within you
A chain, YOUR chain moving up the chain
Tickling the chain, gain, chain gang
For you are not gaining Anything really
For how can you if it was already there?
Yet it signals you now inn a different port
A different recess (brain)
Or point in time
Pointing back and forward
As you (hit) the switches
Push the buttons, and prepare anu
Let us decode this schmorges board For just a moment
Your delight of the senses, in this geometry
Geometric subdivision is too bold to count
And yet we dip the ink
For just a moment and invite you to
‘Think’ outside the box
What could we possibly wish to convey in this way
Your sound sings it (swish wish, Nike)
Aww the wings of flight
The Greeks had it right, PI
But NOW, DID they?
For now as you decode this
You KNOW there is ANOTHER way
Another numeric system that holds the divine calculation
To reboot the system
But you must stay in flow to decode, (fun, right?)
To do the dance, (shake your honey buns, b52)
Make a little love
For within the heart is the answer, of course
You spin this frequency all of the time
When you write in delight
And do not hold yourself back
from the never ending flow of perceived quantifications.
The numbers have reset their rhythm
Extended, have lengthened
For if time has sped up,
so too then has the curvature of space (balls)
Hells bells, Helios
For within this swing set, is a loop
A binding spell
Alchemical of dust
Held within the dust that creates a spatial field
(Of amazement, I am seeing a ball in a labyrinth game)
It opens a new space, in space
And THERE is the calibration
The exchange of foreign currency POW
A place where new (reactions are at your fingertips)
A true space of freedom.
How does this apply to you you might ask
And blah blah blah
Your ink blobs are one
of your most significant markers (DNA and time)
A dance with the math
That is written on your soul
Your soul codes to birth reality in a whole new light
A whole new way of life
Do not lose hope in the thoughts
That you are not a scientist
For your left brain has left the building
The old adage system within you
For your math (map)
Has always been written on the heart
You speak it into being.
Hold true to this and know
that your work is only just beginning
to unfold, To flow
(Under pressure, Bowie, I woke up with this song inn my head)
Your team is not far behind you
They never were
They have been awaiting your arrival
And you have arrived with flying colors
An irreadescent beam of sparkle
Zip zapping across the ‘sky’
Your physiology is changing
Support your system
It needs you
Drink your juice
Your chemical exchange is light years ahead
Light it up (spectrometer)
Remember the flow is in the dance
(Thinking of the Mayans that dance through portals)
(Remember codes of induction, valve renewal, transient ambiguition)
Set points
Also- telling about a port- connection or opening from my perspective
C note is root chakra think of grass roots band, color band and frequency
Note on the above it is associated woth’hello world’ remembering I have typed hello manu times in this writing
Don’t rock the boat baby
Swish swish