These time bands bend and swell
According to certain influx currencies
that create certain distortions in the field, if you will
These measures of frequency sets creates a node
The node then eventuates a higher tunnel of pathology
Let us play with this a bit
Frequency patterns that are spinning right now are creating nodes
Are creating spaces and places in which we can categorize
certain frequency time mechanics
These particular sub strings, sub-strains, sub strainuals-
Sub-striations, create pockets of resistance
Let us restate this,
Technology stream Play-
these sub-striation network pockets
create bandwidths of reorganization
It layers up if you will
And allows for A certain reflect-ology,
A certain frequency to interconnect
and band together to unify a grid
a grid Substance existence
The grid substance, (squid is what I am hearing)
The grid substance expression is then utilized
to harmoniously interplay with the children
The light children (huh?)- maybe children is a POW
I am seeing sound (twinkling tinkling and children’s respond to it)
This allows us to unify certain spangle-dash (Bangladesh and spangle?)
A ferremont ? Aquarified substituent ??? Affirmont?
We realize these words are beyond the time and space
that you are used to speaking them in,
Yet they are interlaced and interwoven withIN you
So, as you allow yourself to tune in
and band with these frequencies
It creates a pattern of least resistance-
so, vive la resistance if you will POW
But not be in the resistance, let go of the resistance
Remember before
Remember when you have done this before
Remember when you have used the entire word bank,
The entire environment if you will,
from every person place or thing
from within your environment
holds within it a clue
you can then hold
and utilize to then provide glue
To then tie in with the wording
you are connecting to
(I was seeing Eagles overhead)
Open source- open wing span, spin).
And so these patterns then create
a distortion in the field, (squid ink)
if you know what we mean
(I am creating this distortion),
this is hard to understand for those reading,
like Nostradamus did with his quatrains
Yet there is an element of multidimensionality
for those who can read between the lines, myself included
so it is a living codex that can change
according - a chord in, to the time bands it was created in,
and the time bands it is connecting to
in the future also.
There are many different realms
So the nodes are ‘beefing’ up if you will
(getting bigger and cow, moo)
All the node convergences are creating
this frequency pattern and casts an array.
Within this array are certain nodes
that are accessed and harnessed
In order to broaden the full light spectrum
And it requires a certain visual alchemy, from one perspective
To then verify and SEE this.
It creates the ability to distort the frequencies
that are attempting to Cast out if you will, the Hippocrates POW
You are creating a bandwidth
And as you create this bandwidth,
we propose that this bandwidth moves
Beyond your alchemical trajectory
This is just to allow you the time
Allow you the time to tune in and record
What it is that you are seeing
For as you record what it is that you are recording
If you will
You then allow the energies to be harnessed
Inferentially in a new way.
For the harnessing of these energies and frequencies
Creates the ability
to display New time bands
And so what is it we are getting at, if you will? pOW
Let us roll back a moment.
Your ability to see clearly and look at the light
That is viewing you, that you are viewing
That you are bringing into view
That you are reviewing
That you are viewing up if you will
That you are
It gives you an analogous perspective to peer into the past
It gives you the ability to peer in and through
That which has been
Grooved out if you will
It allows you to slip though the cracks,
It allows you to slip into, in through
The cracks in time
It allows you to take a crack,
Take a bite out of crime, take crack off the street, POW
(Who was that dog?)
Why is this relevant to this now moment?
Your relevancy is Clearly based - baseline
(Many references to crack, and this is ironic
and a perfect example of using all words as tools,
no matter what we may associate as negative or positive ,
it really is about word association and memory and
staying in a neutral point of view
to use all words as tools and connection points.
I am seeing a yellow canary as I write this and am hearing baseline
Hearing the song, 80’s song- white lines, blow away, free base).
It allows you to launch into a different spectrum
You do this all while sitting in your chair
And at times this can be overwhelming,
you think, there is so much here- hare
Where do I begin?
Yet we assure you that you begin again and again
and again In this way so that you can then
create beyond the illusion
For that which has been created IS an illusion POW
All that you see is a divisive mechanism
that has been created
to restore your ability to create
(As i type up divisive mechanism- I laugh because I was typing up another seemingly unrelated car video right before this from December 234d called- and I used the words Divisive many times and don’t always use it- now here it is in this ‘random’ rando video that I decided to type up from my phone, (separate divisive, and from October that was unlabeled)
For you were once lost in a sea of creation,
unknowingly creating
Unknowingly ripping apart the fabric of time
Space time in which you were aligned with POW
(I am hearing do no be alarmed at the idea
of ripping apart space time
this is not a negative attribute, we are not saying
that you were involved in the time jumper problematic schematic.
You were not necessarily part of that jumpsuit,
I am seeing RIP has multiple layers to it-
like pulling out information, and Rest In Peace,)
And as you resource this information,
it allows ‘Us’ to reSOURCE with you.
(Codes and fractional Abilities)
Time is on my side- hearing that song
Okay Let us move into a different bandwidth
so we can acclimate to these frequencies with more.
There are two different perspectives,
there are 2 different ways to view things,
Of course there are more ways than 2
But we show you both sides of the coin, if you will
This allows you to dip in between the middle ground
This allows you to move into the middle
And dissect from a multilayered, multi-perpetual point of view
(I am seeing a perpetual motion clock).
And you may wonder why we reference
so much with time right now
It is because the coordinates on your system
are mapping you into A particular time-ology
The mapping coordinates
The mapping coordination POWthe mapping then coordinates (cord-innate, organizes, connects with the innate to the core, puts it in sequence)
Different characteristics that create a linear projection
that then creates a reality subordination, POW
This sub-ordination ordinates a sequential set of numerical
Numerological counter intuitive
(Counting it, its a counter, you are counting it intuitively)
The coordinates allow you to plug in a reset
As you reset your own coordinates ,
you allow that which has been accessed
To be publicized POW
As you publicize these different components,
You begin to realize that you ARE the mapping system
You ARE the coordinates
You are the subordination, if you will
The subordinates POW
the frequency sets then combine
To create an alchemical Align-meant,
with All of your recourses interactions
These pre-coursed interactions were not set in stone
Yet were merely set up in order
to help localize your harmonic convergence.
They were set up to engage more fully
with your spirit source energy.
They were set up so up
so you could engage more fully
With the divine aspect
of equilibrium of equal liberation
Equalitarianism- equal-itorium.
For within your own skin set holds a microbiology
That was set in motion
before time began, from one perspective
The microbiology that was set within your own kingdom
Harnesses and associates with a network of pre encapsulated
Time mechanic brokerages POW
These time mechanic brokerages
create the ability, agility to map out certain influctatuions
These are then dialed into a superconductor, if you will
of the most Organic attributes POW
(organism, organs in a body, music, organelles,
organization, organioligies organ-ilogies).
As you allow yourself to move into this HUB, if you will
You then create a distorted color field,
(this reminds me of Andrew Bartzis,
and he also speaks of the hub of inter connectivity)
This then allows you to truly connect, truly create
And not be manipulated, ma-NIP, plated,
or spun out in other directional courses
That do not fit with your pioused trajectory, trajector-ology,
You then see through the matrix
You then self destruct the whole façade of Self, if you will.
You create an equilibrium protocol
that then adjusts the time period and the timepiece accordingly.
For this has been broken For so long
That what we have been left to work with
was out of scale POWthis weighs heavy
(I am seeing this disc in my throat)
It is time
There are so many things we can express right now
However, as we express in this way we allow you to pen,
To open and convey
from a different place.
Your realms you have existed within
are still in existence within
And you are essentially a viral overload
You then overload the system
with a viral in fluctuation of mass consciousness of delight.
This mass consciousness, so to speak,
lights up the spectrum so that others may see
So that others may remember
So that others may disambiguate
from POW the frequencies that have been
Truly mismapped.
Many have been misguided
Many have fallen into a system of hierarchy and control
This system of hierarchy and control
has created a bound mindlessness
binding full of mindlessness
Binding full Mechanical overlay.
And even though we project or prophesies
the future in these transmissions
The future is now
You are upsetting the coil, and this is creating a wrinkle
A ripple, rip van winkle
(I am seeing that people that were sleeping
were creating a wrinkle for they were not utilizing
their potential —it made the path less smooth
They were so overlaid with this intense velocity
of these mechanical interruptions.
And this worked for awhile,
this created the ability to destabilize for so long,
To be destabilized,
Now it is uninterruptible, for the air is cleared
We are interrupted no more, POW
You are in the process of RECIEVING upgrades
It will feel funny, it will feel out of tune at times
Because you are tuning, (I am seeing the throat again)
You are tuning into
And this creates a vibrational frequency
vibrant-cial patency lift???
(Like when you patent something)
It creates a lift in your codex
And this then creates more distortion in the field.
(I am creating the distortion against the distortion-
I am seeing this energy that is trying to attach to us,
to figure us out, to predict us and model after us, and it just cant’)
Personal- the messages will change and recalibrate
according to what is coming in and according to
what is the highest match if, you will
For what is necessary in this complexity of incoming changes.
Be kind on yourself, be kind to your body
For you must love yourself
You must love what it is that you are creating
You must love every aspect of your life
Even when it feels like you are in strife
For these particular experiences are Rifed with frequencies
(Rife frequencies- ripe with frequencies)
And these frequencies of these particular experiences
Are part of your implosion
They allow you to counter balance these ‘other’ energies
In such a way that ‘they’ cannot calibrate
To your own display
of harmonic frequencies
This keeps those at bay who are not willing to play
The same game, if you will.
For this has stretched beyond
the confounds of your imagination
Yet if you can stretch your imagination
Beyond the confounds of the mind,
You will allow yourself to see
with new eyes, (eYES) With clarity
That which has been birthed
and we all all accesSING.
It can be felt as we strip away the façade
Of what we THINK we FEEL
For what we THINK, we FEEL
For when we THINK we feel something,
it is merely an attribute
Of the senses that has not been fully attributed
It has not been fully functioning
For when we feel something that IS truth, we know
We don’t THINK we KNOW
It Becomes our truth,
it becomes our very fabric of our existence
And we cannot have one without the other.
We cannot have self mastery without FEELING
All that we have in this fulfilling reality,
POW (full of feeling, fulfilling as in complete also).
For our agility and ability to utilize all aspects
Of this Divine co creative technological
Technologically- local technology
Technological based body
(I am seeing threads and everything that
the body is tuning into as in an instrument
of creation, and a receiver, etc)
And so recognizing that is key.
Let us sit tight this for a moment
and let it calibrate if you will
For the calibrations that are being made
are not yet locked in
A consistent way
They are held and they are reworking with a systematic approach
Some discrepancies that you are tuning into
These discrepancies are in part,
Because there is a unified bandwidth
that is still processing misaligned currencies and
it is only natural the distortions from the human aspect
are still being waylaid and processed. (Human as in -ego, and beliefs or seeming ‘knowings’ based on false history and or experiences in which we had shame, guilt, etc due to teachings that told us to feel that way, etc)
So buckle up if you will, and hold on
For the wild ride that is now part of your reality is temporary
Yet it is jam packed with the necessary ingredients
To stabilize the new Earth bandwidths.
And so you are innately guided
to where you need to go.
It seems convoluted in this now time
For the opportunities are many
So too are the calamities from one perspective LOL
And the ability to calm the seas so to speak, seize the day.
So here is the scoop
Your outer bands are merging with your inner bands,
And vice versa
This will take time to conduct patterns
that can then be recognized
In an easier and more negotiable linear way.
Today is a powerful day for integrating some of those patterns.
As you integrate these patterns, it then creates a wave
That is highly conductible.
This highly conductible wave then seismically accumulates
And vibrates out all of the loose packaging POW
There is more and we could play with this
But again, the sponge is full
This is not intended to overload you or your senses
So remember this all can be playful,
It does not have to be applied.
We would recommend you trim the palms
Be like a tree, work a little every day
and get rid of and tie up the loose ends.
WHAT IS A in chemistry?
A is used to signify the atomic mass number (also known as atomic mass or atomic weight) of an atom. A = # protons + # neutrons